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Test automation tutorial with Selenium WebDriver part 1: introduction



This tutorial will be about test automation with Selenium WebDriver.

What you could learn:
  • How does test automation work?
  • Learn about Python, Python Selenium Bindings, easyselenium, nose and Jenkins
  • Write simple test cases
  • Learn basic git commands
  • Learn about Jenkins
  • Interest in test automation
  • Small understanding about testing
  • Programming knowledge could be useful
NOTE: Abbreviations can be found

How does test automation work?

The flow for Test Automation Engineers:
  1. Define test case(usually taken from manual predefined test cases)
  2. Commit and push to testing repository
  3. Jenkins job executes all test cases including new one
  4. Report is generated and sent
The flow for new releases of SUT:
  1. New version of SUT is deployed
  2. Jenkins job executes all test cases including new one
  3. Report is generated and sent
Next: Setup
